Liferay 🤝 Wordify: Educating the UK public sector

As a leading Digital Experience Platform (DXP) working with both private enterprises and public sector organizations.


As a leading Digital Experience Platform (DXP) working with both private enterprises and public sector organizations, Liferay needed content that encouraged government organizations to embark on a digital transformation journey.

Liferay wanted whitepapers addressing the obstacles to migrating from legacy systems to modern platforms, as well as the cultural and financial obstacles that stood between public sector organizations and digital transformation.


After rigorous research into both successful and unsuccessful public sector digital transformation strategies, Wordify crafted detailed white papers and blog posts to help educate UK public sector organizations about the first steps towards offering cutting-edge digital experiences to citizens and residents.

“We were able to solve all of our copy needs, not just with white papers but also including social media and paid ads. Wordify is fast, responsive, and produces good content based on reliable research.” — Sylvia Assumpção, Liferay Marketing Manager

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With multiple white papers that addressed the pain points of its target market, Liferay was able to reach out to public sector entities with thought leadership and genuine solutions to their digital transformation problems.

The whitepapers also gave the Liferay marketing team the research, content, and impetus needed to engage with public sector entities in online forums and discussion groups.